Thursday, June 27, 2013


When the Sun rises,
It rises for Everyone.
= This is what I have fought for, this is what I will continue to fight for. The right to be equal. The right to be who you are. The right to not be bullied, or attacked. The right to not be afraid.
Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, labeling it unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment which guarantees citizens protection from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process. Liberty... that which we fought so hard to gain at our nation's birth still eludes some of us today, but thankfully we took a step forward yesterday. The Supreme Court ruled that we cannot discriminate against a group of citizens without giving them their due process, and in so doing opened up the door to marriage for Gays and Lesbians all over this great nation.

= We are not there yet, I know that, but for the first time I can honestly say it will happen in my lifetime, and for that I rejoice. I have championed the cause of Gay rights my entire adult life, not because I knew people who were Gay or Lesbian, but because I knew what was right. This fight hasn't been an easy one, I have been called names by intolerant people, I have lost friends who couldn't look beyond themselves long enough to see the suffering in others. I am often asked why I fight so passionately for rights that do not affect me. For as a straight white man why would I care about Gay rights? Or minority rights? Or women's rights? Why fight if I already have the rights what benefit do I gain? My reply is simple, I do benefit. I benefit in a world where I won't have to explain to my children why some people are treated differently because they love someone. I benefit in a world free of intolerance and bigotry. I benefit in a world where children don't commit suicide because they are different. I benefit, and so does the world as a whole.

To those out there who read this and disagree with my views or disagree with the ruling by the Supreme Court I ask one simple question... Why? Why are you opposed to allowing others the right to show their love through marriage? How does that affect you at all? I have been married for almost four years, and my marriage is just as strong today as it was last week. This ruling didn't change anything for me, it didn't decrease the importance of my marriage or what makes it special. All this ruling did was pave the way for some of my friends and family to share in the joy of marriage no matter who they fall in love with. To you who still disagree I simply say this: Spend more time being with the people that you love, and spend less time worrying about who everyone else loves. Do this and we will all take a step closer to being =

Troy Mangum


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